This is the area where we have excelled the most. We provide typical commercial structural services such as shoring for new openings and structural support with a proven track record of shoring columns with loads exceeding 100 tons with no vertical movement. We’ve raised columns with 113 tons of weight on them, back into position after they have sunk or settled.
Jepsen Inc. has designed special column clamps that can be applied to; wood, steel or concrete columns. With all of our specialized hydraulic systems and jacks, we’re able to monitor how much load is being applied to our shoring and/or the structure. We travel all over the United States, providing commercial structural services.
Our Equipment
A brief summary of the equipment and tools we use, click or tap any given item to expand for additional information.
*A kip is an Imperial unit of force. It equals 1000 pounds-force, used primarily by American architects and engineers to measure engineering loads.
Buckingham hydraulic shore posts are the only shore posts which have been made for lifting. With a load rating of 20 kips each and able to monitor how much load is applied to each post.
We own some of the largest steel beams in the area, up to 75’ long at 150 pounds per foot. We use our bolt up pocketed beams for unlimited length at over 200 pounds per foot.
We have a wide variety of Whitney column clamps, some of which were co-designed by Jepsen Inc..
We have a massive inventory of tilt-up wall bracing to shore and support walls of all sizes, the image above is an excellent visual example.
These scaffold type shoring systems consist of high strength shoring bucks that setup with simple components such as screw jacks, base plates, u-heads and cross braces.
Locking ring hydraulic jacks rated from 30 to 55 tons.
We use the highest quality hydraulic jacks and accessories available to facilitate a safe and efficient process.
A screw jack is used to apply a force, push and pull, or move to a position and hold by mechanically converting rotary motion into linear motion.
Jepsen Inc. uses state of the art hydraulic jacking systems which are used mainly to jack, hoist, lift or move any type of structure.
Shoring and Jacking equipment is inherently heavy and slow to deploy unless, like us, you have the trucks, tractors, heavy equipment and skilled team to efficiently mobilize it.